Job Number25.26 Ant. MathApplication Deadline2/15/2025Position Start Date9/1/2025
Anticipated Vacancies in the following tenure areas:
Grade 7-12 Mathematics (2)
Locations: Baker High, Durgee Jr. High, Ray Middle
Salary range dependent upon education and experience:
Bachelors Degree - $57,897 - $62,102*
Masters Degree - $67,560 - $71,765*
*The Bargaining Agreement has expired and is being re-negotiated for the 25.26 school year. Salaries shown are from the 24.25 Bargaining Agreement for informational purposes only.
NYSED certification in the tenure area noted. Must be fingerprinted through NYSED.
Create an account through RecruitFront and apply to the posting of interest.